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Attachment Wipes Out Gophers Fast
The Eilers Machine Gopher Killer is an effective way to eliminate gophers. The 3-pt. hitch-mounted machine deposits bait underground where the gophers tunnel and feed, traveling at 3 1/2 to 4 mph. It’s been getting the job done for more than 30 years.
  “We originally made the Gopher Killer for Western Alfalfa, and that was the name it was sold under,” says Laurie Lira, Eilers Machine and Welding. “It started as a joint venture. However, since 2013, it’s been sold under our company name, mostly in Nebraska, Kansas, eastern Colorado and into the Oklahoma Panhandle.”
  The Gopher Killer is a rugged machine with a heavy-duty frame and a shank designed for trouble-free operation. The shank forms a burrow where the bait is laid. It ends in a replaceable John Deere drill point that delivers the bait.
  A 20-in. coulter ahead of the shank slices the sod to prevent the shank from heaving the ground. It cuts through weeds and tough surface roots to enhance bait delivery.
  The floating packer wheel has traction barbs that put constant pressure on the surface, regardless of soil type. Following the burrowing shank, it returns the soil surface to its original condition.
  The Gopher Killer is designed to leave the soil surface without releasing bait to the field surface. This eliminates waste and possible danger to livestock and non-target wildlife.
  The Gopher Killer is designed to fit Cat. II and III quick hitches. It’s 50 in. long, 37 in. wide and 52 in. high and weighs 300 lbs. Contact Eilers Machine and Welding to find the closest dealer and request a quote. Big Springs Equipment, Big Springs, Neb., has the Gopher Killer priced at $3,600 on its website.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eilers Machine and Welding, 600 Commerce Rd., Lexington, Neb. 68850 (ph 308-324-3751; www.eilersmachine.com) or Big Springs Equipment, P.O. Box 278, Big Springs, Neb. 69122 (ph 308-889-3440; www.bigspringsequipment.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1