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Rolltop Desk Best Buy
Jim Ruen, La Crescent, Minn.: “I never thought I’d have a rolltop desk, much less have one in my shop, but I do now. I got the idea when I noticed the desks offered at prices as low as $50 and in various styles.
    “I paid $100 for a solid oak desk with 13 small and medium-sized drawers ideal for specialty tools. They even have a place to slip in a card identifying contents. Maybe I’ll even get around to filling them out.
    “The desk also has a storage area to one side of the knee cubby and several large drawers to the other, including one perfect for holding my FARM SHOW books.
    “The rolltop provides dust-free protection for an old receiver and CD player for times when I want a little music or news. Speakers sit on top just fine. It’s also a great place to look at YouTube videos on my iPad when I need help on a project.
    “I’m not sure why so many people are getting rid of them. New ones like mine are still advertised at $2,000 and more. Perhaps the advent of computer desks and laptops with everything stored digitally is killing the value for many people. I’m fine with that. Their trash is my treasure.”

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1