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Push-Off Empties Skid Buckets Fast
The Push-Off Bucket from HitchDoc boosts skid steer productivity and accurate material placement. No more shaking off sticky or dense material. The bucket can be cleared with every load in as little as 1 1/2 seconds.
“People are still discovering our latest product, the Push-Off Bucket,” says Jake Perusich, HitchDoc. “When they see it, they are impressed with the novel design.”
The metal fabricator has introduced three models with 68, 72 and 84 in. widths. The 68 and 72-in. buckets have a depth of just under 47 in., and the 84-in. bucket has a depth of 58 in. Depths are measured between the back of the bucket and the fully extended push-off extractor blade.
Equipping a skid steer with a Push-Off Bucket immediately increases the dump height by 3 ft., as does forward dumping. Piles can be taller, and loads can be delivered over taller trailer sides without risk of sidewall damage.
Another benefit is precise control of material delivery, from feathered gradual push-off to very fast. This makes the complete removal of even normally hard-to-move material easy. The extractor blade is self-cleaning, so materials don’t get stuck behind it.
“We designed cutouts on the back of the bucket to prevent dirt from getting behind the blade,” says Perusich.
Models range from $6,500 to $7,000. Perusich suggests contacting the company for the nearest dealer or ordering directly.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, HitchDoc, P.O. Box 179, Jackson, Minn. 56143 (ph 507-847-4049; toll-free 800-446-8222; questions@hitchdoc.com; www.hitchdoc.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1