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Double-Decker Trailer Offers Affordable Alternative
We recently noticed a “double-decker” destination trailer from Forest River. The Cherokee Timberwolf 16ML (mini loft) features a sleeping area over a small porch in the back of the trailer.
“It created a media storm,” says George Schmidt, regional sales representative for the Topeka, Ind., company.
The loft/porch addition added another amenity to destination trailers designed to be set up on more permanent sites.
“They’re an alternative for campgrounds and lake property. We’re seeing a gradual use of putting them on private property in the woods to have a getaway,” Schmidt says. “It’s a more economical way of vacationing and making memories with family, offering the same amenities as a home but at a more affordable price.”
The 27-ft, 9-in. 16ML has an MSRP of $43,000, while the 35-ft., 8-in. 20OG model has the mini loft/porch plus another loft over a main bedroom and sells for $48,000.
Bigger models with slide-outs, which can cost up to $75,000, feature roomy kitchens, upgraded appliances, fireplaces, seated showers, solar-reflected windows and other amenities.
Like all RV trailers, destination models are designed for seasonal use.
“We have 260 dealers, and we encourage customers to shop locally for any maintenance or seasonal services,” Schmidt says.
Dealers can be found on the Forest River website’s dealer locater link.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Forest River Inc., 404 Lehman Ave., Topeka, Ind. 46571 (ph 260-499-2009; www.forestriverinc.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1