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Easy-Install Hay Tub Hammer
The Dagger from Jacobs Global is a superior replacement hammer for hay tubs. Its unique design eliminates the need for spacers at installation and reduces rod grooving and hole elongation. It promises more durability and easier installation and removal.
    The elliptical hole offers 100 percent cleanout and perfect rod contact. That eliminates rod wear and hammer sticking.
    “Better rod contact also helps with installing and removing, in addition to longer life,” says Joey Evans, Jacobs Global. “The elliptical hole has more room for material to exit. Hammers will stick less, which reduces vibration in the tub grinders.”
    Dagger hammers are hard-faced with suspended carbide to resist abrasion. Evans explains that they feature a good balance of weld matrix to hold up to impact.
    “The Dagger hammers are optimized for more striking power for more efficient hay grinding,” he says. Jacobs Global offers a full line of hammers machined, hard-faced and heat-treated to match user requirements. The sales team can help determine what hardness hammer should be used, what size of tungsten and which style of hard-facing, as well as whether a one or two-bore hammer is best.
    The company also offers hammer rods heat-treated to a depth of 0.180 in., six times the industry standard of 0.030. Rods are available for most makes and models or can be custom-designed to fit unique needs. Spacers and lock collars are also available.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jacobs Global, 2510 12th St., Harlan, Iowa 51537 (ph 712-755-3131; toll-free 800-831-2005; jacobs@jacobscorp.com; www.jacobscorp.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1