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Traction Mat Gets Vehicles Unstuck
“There’s nothing on the market like it.”
Mark Anthony Pasqua, sales director of Plastipro Canada, stands by this bold claim about Protrax™ traction aids. Two personal experiences back it up. Designed for vehicles, ATVs and other equipment stuck in snow, ice or mud, Protrax delivers results where others fall short.
Last winter, during the product’s launch, Pasqua’s neighbor, a paramedic, was stranded in the snow. Without hesitation, Pasqua grabbed a pair of traction aids from his trunk. Within minutes, the paramedic was back on the road. Pasqua found himself in a similar predicament this winter and once again relied on Protrax to get moving.
The traction aids are sturdy and durable, designed for repeated use. They’re also flexible and small enough to fold and store in a carry bag under a car seat. Since they’re made of plastic, they’ll never rust like other models on the market. Protrax mats snap together to create a longer or wider tread, depending on the size of the tires. They’re simple to use; just place them in front of the tires and accelerate slowly. They even provide traction on icy surfaces.
“There’s nothing like it; they’re lightweight, user-friendly and durable. Everyone driving in snowy conditions should have one,” says Pasqua. “We built the mold ourselves. Protrax is made in Canada using all USA resins.”
Protrax, priced at $49.95 CAD (about $37.50 USD), is an affordable safeguard for anyone traveling in challenging winter conditions.
Each mat is crafted with a polyurethane grid for top grip and rugged polycarbonate lugs on the bottom to bite into slippery surfaces. Measuring 6 1/4 by 17 1/4 in., Protrax mats are available for purchase on Plastipro’s website, along with other injection-molded products like sports cones, traffic cones, paver edgings and floor tiles. They’re also part of a snow removal kit, which includes a compact shovel.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Plastipro, 12425 Bd Industriel, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec, Canada H1B 5M7 (ph 514-321-9840; infopro@plastipro.com; www.plastipro.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1