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Mobile Tanks Offer Liquid Options
Single, double and triple-cone bottom trailers provide temporary tank storage where you need it when you need it. Ag Spray trailers are designed to hold full tanks in place and carry them when emptied to the next location. Tanks are available in multiple sizes, ranging from 1,750 to 3,000 gal., with either 2 or 3 in. plumbing.
“We’ve been offering these trailers for 20 to 25 years,” says Jason Dannelly, Ag Spray. “When liquid fertilizer is less expensive than dry, or when crop protection products require increased amounts of water, demand for them increases.”
The single-axle trailers have a 2,000-lb. gross vehicle weight, sufficient to handle tanks, pumps and related equipment. Axles are fabricated from 3-in. Schedule 90 pipe with 2 1/2-in. spindles.
“Should an axle be damaged, it can be removed with just eight bolts and replaced easily,” says Dannelly. “We use channel iron for the trailer frame instead of tube steel for greater strength. Some trailer companies leave final manufacturing and assembly to their dealers. We fully manufacture our trailers and put everything together.”
Once on site, the trailer is lowered hydraulically for filling. The 15-in. bulldog jack on the trailer tongue has a 20,000 lb. capacity. Valves can be opened and closed from the side of the trailer. When emptied, the trailer can be raised with a hand pump located by the axle for easy access.
“The trailer and its tanks can be placed near a field where fertilizer or herbicides are to be applied for rapid refill without waiting for a tender or leaving the field for a fill,” says Dannelly. “If preferred, the trailer can be placed under roof for temporary fertilizer storage and removed when empty and no longer needed. This leaves the building available for repairs and maintenance off-season.”
Ag Spray outfits its trailers with tanks from Minnesota-based Nowesco. The high-density polyethylene tanks, with cone-shaped bottoms, empty quickly and completely.
A double-cone bottom trailer fully equipped with tanks costs $13,000 to $15,000, while a triple-cone bottom unit costs $17,000 to $20,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ag Spray Equipment, 4350 48th Ave N., Fargo, N.D. 58102 (ph 701-280-2862 or toll-free 800-373-4084; jason.dannelly@agspray.com; www.agspray.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1