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Solve Ratchet Strap Hassles
The idea for Strap Lizard came out of frustration with tangled ratchet straps, wasted time tying strap ends, and knots coming untied. The Minnesota inventors couldn’t find a product on the market that solved these issues.
Strap Lizard is designed to work with your existing straps between 1 and 1 3/8 in. wide, up to 16 ft. long, and with a 1,000 lb. capacity rating. The directions are simple: tighten the ratchet using the fold-out handle, wind up the excess strap, and clip the Strap Lizard to the load.
Reviewers on the website rate Strap Lizard 4.8 out of 5 stars. One reviewer says, “Really solved the problem of loose straps swinging around. I was tying down my ATV, and it worked slick. I plan on buying a few more for friends.”
Strap Lizard (ratchet strap not included) sells for $14.50 with free S&H. Bulk orders of 12 or more are $12.50 each. Custom-branded Strap Lizards are also offered; contact the company for more information.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Strap Lizard (support@straplizard.com; www.straplizard.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1