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Co-Op Sells Easier-To-Digest A2 Milk
Naturally Golden Family Farms Co-op of Enon Valley, Penn., specializes in A2 dairy products from Guernsey cows. Founded in 2020, the co-op is managed by Cara Itle, Vickie Baker and Dave Trotter.
Inspiration for selling A2 milk came from travels across the UK in 2016. “Dave was judging a Guernsey Show,” says Itle. “Their farmers introduced us to A2 milk, which sparked our interest in selling it. A2/A2 milk is more easily digestible, thus causing less stomach discomfort than A1 milk.”
The two women came up with the co-op component after commiserating on the challenges of running farm businesses as busy mothers. “Processing milk and selling products directly is a lot of work,” says Itle. “With the co-op structure, we work together. Each of our members has different skills and talents, and we utilize them all,” Itle says. Today, the co-op is managed by a six-member board.
“Our co-op purchases 100% Guernsey A2/A2 milk directly from local farms,” Itle says. “We haul the milk to two processing plants that co-pack for us under our Naturally Golden Family Farms brand. Then, we handle our own sales at farm stores, our producer’s farms, and grocery retailers in Western and Central Pennsylvania. We’ve recently taken a big step to sell in Texas, too.” The co-op’s website contains the complete list of retail locations.
Guernsey’s milk averages over 5% fat. The co-op initially sold this full-fat milk but has since standardized their whole milk to 4 to 4.25% to use the cream for other products, including whipping cream. “We’re fueled by our love for the Guernsey breed and the family tradition of milking them to create a market for niche Guernsey A2/A2 milk,” she says. “We market as Golden Guernsey A2/A2 milk because we know the value in a higher quality, more digestible milk product.”
“Running a co-op has many responsibilities, just like any business,” says Itle. “It’s a structure that works best for us, as it allows us to purchase milk from other farms, so our supply isn’t limited. Likewise, we’ve got a chance to create a brand while managing our own farms.” Still, she’s quick to share that starting a co-op has many challenges. “There were many legal hoops we didn’t know existed. The key is working closely with your state and other dairies.” She also recommends targeting products toward the ideal customer. “Producing a high-quality product starts at the farm level. There are tons of dairy products out there; many are cheaper, but consumers will support you if you offer high-quality, great-tasting products. Our customers love the chance to drink milk again and indulge in dairy products without risking an upset stomach.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Naturally Golden Family Farms, 214 Martin School Rd., Enon Valley, Penn. 16120 (Naturallygoldenfamilyfarms@gmail.com; www.naturallygoldenfamilyfarms.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2