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Nifty Net Wrap Storage
Bundles of used bale net wrap make a great fire starter for James Grady, but storing them was a mess. Repurposing an old culvert solved the problem.
“Like others that use net wrap to light wood stove fires, I ended up with a pile of net wrap bundles in my barn,” says Grady. “Over time, it grew into a large mess.”
Grady’s solution was to attach a 6-ft. section of 12-in. culvert to a rolling furniture dolly. He cut an arched hole in one end of the culvert and screwed a small piece of wood to the inside of that end. To secure it in a vertical position, he bolted a short length of angle iron to either end of the dolly and a 6-ft. length of angle iron to the culvert. He bolted them together with the end with the hole at the dolly.
“I place bundles of net wrap in the top of the culvert, and gravity pushes them down and into a tight stack,” says Grady. “When I need to light a fire, I just pull one from the bottom, and the stack’s weight automatically pushes the next one down.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, James Grady, 2923 Tuckers Ln., Linden, Va. 22642 (ph 540-622-0866; jgrady@kilcarsoftware.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2