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Roof Keeps Hay Ring Dry
“We have a small cattle farm, and spoiled hay was a problem,” says James Grady. “To keep the hay in a large round bale dry, I added a 6-ft. by 10-ft. metal roof to a round bale feeder.”
Grady bolted 1 1/2-in. dia. EMT metal piping to the bale ring as uprights and cross supports. The pipes were attached to a 2 by 6 and 2 by 4 roof substructure, topped with galvanized roof panels.
“I chained a heavy-duty 4-in. dia. pipe to the EMT cross supports at opposite ends of the bale ring,” says Grady. “When I want to move the feeder to a new bale, I slip my front-end loader bale spear into the pipe. I can lift it off the old bale and set it down on a new bale. My 45-hp Kubota handles it easily.”
Grady says the hay feeder roof has worked well for over 10 years and even outlasted the first hay ring it was attached to.
“The reason I bolted the EMT uprights in place instead of welding them is that bale rings tend to rust out fast,” says Grady. “This way, I was able to move the roof to a new hay ring about three years ago. I bolted it on in just a few minutes.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, James Grady, 2923 Tuckers Ln., Linden, Va. 22642 (ph 540-622-0866; jgrady@kilcarsoftware.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2