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Spot Spraying Retrofit For Existing Sprayers
PTx Trimble’s WeedSeeker 2 isn’t the only spot-spraying component on the market, but it may be the only one that sprays green weeds on a brown background. This technology is as valuable on fallow ground as in early spring or late fall.
It’s compatible with most sprayers and not limited to specific makes or models. The device comes with a universal mount for easy installation. In this regard, it’s similar to the company’s OutRun (Vol. 48, No. 6) autonomous retrofit for tractors and grain carts.
“The WeedSeeker 2 sensor captures reflected light from green plants and then opens up the solenoid to trigger the nozzle to spray the weed,” says Katie Meyer, PTx Trimble. “It was designed for use on fallow ground, as well as in vineyards and orchards.”
The spray nozzle delivers a precise dose of herbicide to kill the weed. The company claims it can reduce the amount of herbicide applied by up to 90 percent.
WeedSeeker 2 can be monitored and controlled from any ISOBUS-compatible display. The interface, described as simple and intuitive, lets the operator track herbicide use and log coverage maps. If a compatible monitor isn’t in the sprayer, a PTx Trimble GFX1260 or 1060 can be installed.
Each sensor has its own light source, allowing it to run night and day, as well as in dusty conditions. The mounting brackets allow the sensors to be mounted top, front or bottom as needed to prevent damage when the boom folds.
The spot spray system was redesigned with a streamlined sensor housing that allows spray liquid to drain away regardless of the boom position. The lightweight sensor allows even the largest booms to be outfitted without bracing or retrofits. However, some older sprayers may not have the hydraulic lift capacity to handle the additional weight even with the redesign.
A standard WeedSeeker 2 system can handle up to 96 sensors, while a typical 120-ft boom requires only 72. A smaller system for use with a maximum of 18 sensors is also available.
Meyer assures potential users that speed is not a limiting factor with WeedSeeker 2. “Your sprayer can travel at 25 mph and still be accurate,” says Meyer.
See dealers for pricing. Visit the Trimble website to locate the nearest dealer. Trimble offers several ROI calculators on its website to detail savings.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Trimble Agriculture, 10368 Westmoor Dr., Westminster, Colo. 80021 (ph 720-887-6100; www.trimble.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2