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Powered Trailer Turns Walk-Behind Tractor Into Mini-Truck
Hook up the PTO-powered trailer from Erreppi to a heavy-duty, walk-behind tractor, and it’s like a mini-truck, suggests Joel Dufour. Dufour has owned, used and sold the trailers for around 20 years. His firm, Earth Tools, specializes in walk-behind tractors and attachments.
“I’ve hauled sand, gravel, firewood and garden produce with the powered trailer on our farm,” says Dufour. “It has no problem climbing a 45-degree slope, depending on soil surface and available traction. Possible use is more a question of the walk-behind’s engine power.”
An oscillating swivel joint built into the frame ensures all four trailer wheels and the walk-behind stay on the ground. The trailer can carry almost a ton of payload in its 55-in. by 71-in. bed. When the 12-in. deep removable sides are filled level, it has a capacity of 27 cu. ft. The flatbed has pockets to accept taller sides or other extensions, as well as tie-downs on the corners. Installation or removal of the trailer from the walk-behind takes only 10 to 15 min.
Dufour recommends the Erreppi trailer be matched with the 16-hp Grillo or the 20-hp Barbieri Leopard. The trailer requires a PTO that synchronizes with the tractor’s ground speed. It’s an option on the Grillo but a standard feature on the Barbieri Leopard. Dufour notes that some older BCS models also have synchronized PTO; however, newer ones don’t. The trailer starts at $4,250.
“Years ago, almost all Italian walk-behinds had the option of synchronized PTO,” says Dufour. “That has changed with the advent of UTVs with suspension. The only suspension with the Erreppi trailer is under the operator’s seat.”
Although UTVs may have reduced demand for powered trailers, Dufour says some customers still appreciate their versatility.
“Customers who buy one of the larger walk-behinds often do so with the trailer in mind,” he says. “They appreciate the quality of construction and performance.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Earth Tools, 1525 Kays Branch Rd., Owenton, Ky. 40359 (ph 502-484-3988; www.earthtools.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2