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E-Cart Gets Custom Makeover
Jeff Lanoue liked the looks of a friend’s repurpose of a 36-volt Cushman industrial cart for hunting. “I told him to let me know if he ever wanted to sell it,” says Lanoue.
When the friend called 15 years later to ask if he still wanted it, Lanoue jumped at the opportunity.
“He gave it to me, but it needed new batteries and a charger,” says Lanoue. “The batteries were $1,000, and the charger was $200. It also needed new tires.”
Cushman electric-drive industrial vehicles were commonly used in factories. They could easily carry a 2,500-lb. pallet and tow up to 4,600 lbs.
Lanoue gave the late 1980s Cushman a new look with Deere colors, emblems and decals. Topped off with a Deere yellow canopy, he outfitted it like a field service truck. He mounted a nine-drawer tool cabinet on one side of the rear platform. The other side hosts a variety of motor oil, hydraulic oil and other fluid containers, a grease gun, and pressurized fuel containers previously used in the racing industry.
“It was all for show,” admits Lanoue. “The Cushman with its two-wheel electric drive isn’t designed to get out in a field.”
Lanoue uses the Cushman primarily at tractor shows. “I take everything off so I can use the platform to carry things I buy at the tractor show flea markets,” he says. “I’ve had people ask when Deere made a cart like this.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jeff Lanoue, 2668 N 1630 East Rd., Martinton, Ill. 60951 (ph 815-530-4502; Kooder78@yahoo.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2