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Air Harrows Equipped With Pressure-Adjustable Tines
Air Flow Harrows from Hatzenbichler Austrian-Agro-Technik have a patented harrow tine spring system that provides an extra smooth harrowing action.
“The Hatzenbichler harrow has been established since 1952,” says a spokesperson. “The original harrow air-flow tine spring system is the best alternative to chemical weed control.”
The equipment is either rigid with a 3-pt. hitch or hydraulically foldable in widths from 1.5 to 15 m (5 ft. to 49 ft.).
A tractor’s central air brake system provides air through a pressure regulator, enabling pneumatic cylinders positioned above each tine to operate. The tine’s spring action allows travel of only 30 mm (just over an inch), enabling a 45-degree spring path. This unique system makes it possible to continuously adjust the tine pressure from 2 lbs. up to 11 lbs. at the same angle while traveling up to 15 kph (9.3 mph).
Tines are made of oil-tempered, hardened spring wire, which ensures a long working life without worrying about breakage. They’re specially shaped for arable cultivation.
Each independent tine’s pressure can be toggled between two adjustable choices from the tractor’s cab. A lower pressure can be used inside the plant row, while a higher pressure can be applied between the rows.
Optional monitors and direct controls via the tractor’s ISOBUS terminal are available. The additional package allows the harrow to be folded in and out using the tractor’s monitor.
The new harrow arrays, including pneumatic equipment, can be mounted to any of the Hatzenbichler harrow frames and deliver a wide range of working widths.
“We develop and build our products with the daily experiences of our Austrian customers in mind. The best engineering and highest manufacturing quality meet our perfect spare parts supply. Our machines are for professionals to use day after day.”
Interested customers should contact Hatzenbichler directly through the website for pricing and availability.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bay Shore Sales, 4890 Bay Park Rd., Unionville, Mich. 48767 (ph 989-674-8429; www.bayshoresales.com) or Thomas Hatzenbichler Austrian-Agro-Technik GmbH, Fischering 2, 9433 St. Andrä, Austria (ph +43 4358/2287; agrotechnik@hatzenbichler.com; www.hatzenbichler.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2