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4020 LP Repowered With Combine Engine
Hastings, Minn., farmer Robert Bauer has a long history of building handy items for his shop and repairing, restoring or modernizing farm implements and tractors. Recently, he repowered a 4020 LP Deere tractor with a turbo engine from a Deere 7700 combine. Bauer says the rebuild required as much time planning as the actual work.
“This project definitely wasn’t a take one engine out and put a different one in kind of a deal,” Bauer says. “The LP engine was shot, so everything on it had to go, including the tank. The turbo combine engine was longer than the LP model, so I had to make additional room on the frame by moving the fan and radiator forward about an inch. The ring gear from the combine engine was mated to the transmission with a new flywheel, and I installed a different clutch.”
To improve the air intake, Bauer mounted an air cleaner from an old semi-tractor on the right side of the frame and built a new intake line to the engine. He replaced the LP tank with a diesel fuel tank from another 4020 tractor.
Bauer says the original 4020 had its oil filter in the pan, while the turbo engine had a spin-on filter. He replaced the OEM pan with a different one from a 4030 tractor to utilize the spin-on filter on the combine engine. Bauer also installed a completely new wiring harness for the 12V electrical system and reconfigured the throttle linkage for the existing tractor lever on the steering column.
“With the turbo in place, I couldn’t use hydraulic levers on the old tractor dash, so I bought a new spool valve with one lever and mounted it on the side of the dash,” Bauer says. He still has to build a new hood that replaces the LP model’s openings for the exhaust pipe, air cleaner and LP tank.
Bauer says the tractor runs great with a nice growl from the turbo engine. It produces 140 hp compared to about 90 hp from the LP model. “I’ll use it as a utility tractor to run the auger, pull wagons and work small fields for vegetable gardeners in the area.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Bauer, 10162 160th St. E., Hastings, Minn. 55033.

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2