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Wind Controlled Mineral Feeder
"I've used the same feeder for 15 years and all I've ever done to it is to paint it every couple years with a galvanized paint," says Russell Brosseau, Afton, Mich., who has blueprints available for his do-it-yourself mineral feeder.
The feeder features two large round plates that catch the wind, shifting the feeder's re-
volving hood with the wind so the "back" is always against the wind, protecting the salt or minerals from the elements.
The feeder sits on two poles anchored 3 1/2 ft. into the ground so cattle can't tip it over while the hood pivots on an old car hub. The tub, made from an old kettle, holds 400 lbs. of mineral and can be set at different heights.
Brousseau sells blueprints for the feeder for $10.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Russell Brosseau, Box 47, Afton, Mich. 49705 (ph 616 238-9830).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6