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Disk Blade Sharpener
"Some farmers buy the machine to do custom sharpening for neighbors. We've also had neighbors who teamed up to buy a jointly owned machine," reports John Bradstreet, manufacturer of the Amy portable disk roller.
The going rate for custom disk sharpening is $1.50 per blade. Cost of the machine is $1,150. It will sharpen at the rate of 21/z to 5 minutes per blade.
A key feature is that the machine is portable and goes right to the job to sharpen disks in place - no need to dismantle the disk or even level it. Even warped or unevenly worn blades can be sharpened in place, Bradstreet points out.
He notes that the Amy disk roller sharpens by cold rolling and increases the diameter of the disk as it rolls and sharpens. "Grinding ruins the concavity and wastes metal which shortens the life of the product," explains Bradstreet. "Amy disk rolling forms the blade to the correct concavity, sharpens the blade edge, increases the size which in turn adds to the life, increases the temper for longer wear, and sharpens faster - all without dismantling your tillage tool. A full 25% right or left adjustment from center line, and a new tilting device, adjust automatically for different blade size and height on the same implement."
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Amy Mfg. Co., Dighton, Kan. 67839 (ph 316-397-5896).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #4