1985 - Volume #9, Issue #4, Page #11
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Up Front Spray Marker
They find the marker ideal when spraying eco-fallow ground and early-emergence wheat. The 32-ft. long marker is the same width as their pull-behind sprayer so it leaves the mark right where the tractor should be centered on the next pass.
The Browns note that this simple marker is cheaper than a foam system, plus it eliminates the guesswork of lining up the end of the boom with the foam marks.
The marker's main pipe frame has a smaller pipe inside that slides in and out for adjusting marker length. One end of the marker pivots off a 1 1/8-in. shaft on the front of the tractor while the other end has a 14-in. crazy wheel attached. When the tractor turns to make the return pass, the marker pivots and moves automatically to the opposite side.
The Browns say the wheel itself leaves an easy-to-follow mark in a growing crop. In eco-fallow ground, they attach an old wheel rim or rotary hoe wheel for extra weight and a better mark.
An 8-ft. long section of channel iron attaches to the front of the tractor and acts as a stop to keep the marker arm perpendicular to the tractor while spraying. A dog-leg piece of iron welded to the channel iron acts as a stop for the marker arm to ride on to take weight off the marker while spraying.
For transport, the marker separates into sections.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Brown, Rt. 1, Box 288, Hershey, Neb. 69143.
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