1987 - Volume #11, Issue #3, Page #35
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Grain Bin Moving Business
An Iowa farmer who had to find a new way to make a living when he got out of farming in 1985 says his grain bin moving business is going great.Mark Bruellman, Whittemore, Iowa, got into the business with three pieces of unique bin and building moving equipment built by farmer Roger Montag, Rodman, Iowa. "We can pick up and move an 18-ft. bin faster than with any other mover. It only takes about 45 min. from when we drive into the yard till we're gone," says Bruellman. The bin mover loads the bin with straps that run around its circumference. It then lowers the bin hydraulically to a horizontal position on a hauling trailer. Nothing has to be done to the inside of the bin.
"The unique thing about this bin mover is that it raises hydraulically so you don't need jacks. You can also use it to raise a bin to add extra rings," notes Bruellman.
He also operates a larger Montag-built bin mover that'll handle bins up to 36 ft. dia. "The only other bin mover I know of that's this big was copied after this one. We recently hauled a 30-ft. wide, 22-ft. high bin 65 miles. Road permits were not a problem but they do take time to obtain. We usually ask the farmer to get them if I don't already have them for the area," says Bruellman, who also owns a third mover that's designed for farm buildings. It handles structures up to about 22,000 lbs.
Bruellman has already moved 110 smaller bins, 45 big bins and 20 buildings throughout Iowa and the Midwest. He charges $150 to $200 apiece to move standard 18-ft. bins, plus loaded mileage. He charges $800 to $1,400 to move a 30-ft. or larger bin.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mark Bruellman, Bruellman Seed Sales, Rt. 1, Box 27, Whittemore, Iowa 50598 (ph 515 887-6556).
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