1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #35
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Nifty Dispenser For Tiny Seeds
The "Tiny Tim" seed dispenser consists of a 4-in. long clear plastic vial with a nylon cone at the bottom and a plastic knob on top that controls a rod with a channel in it. To fill the vial you unscrew the cone from the bottom. To plant seeds, you hold the vial at an angle so you can see how many seeds fall into the channel, then use your thumb to trigger the knob so that seeds drop out the bottom of the cone.
"It's great for working in gardens, patios, greenhouses, etc.," says Nicol. "Dispensing and spacing seeds accurately helps eliminate the need to thin out plants later. You can dispense one seed at a time - no matter how small - even if there's more than one seed in the channel. The nozzle can be adjusted to plant everything from large radish seeds to small carrot or lettuce seeds. I made it because I wanted to plant tomatoes in pots and trays to get them off to an early start. I had trouble feeding them in my hand so I often overplanted or underplanted. It works for all small flower and vegetable seeds. It's also a valuable aid for people suffering from arthritis."
Sells for $4.95 (plus $1 S&H).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nicol & Associates, 65 Newtown Ave., Stratford, Ct. 06497 (ph 203 375-1067).
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