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Custom Seed Cleaning Right On Your Farm
If you're looking for a new sideline to keep yourself busy during the off-season for farming, maybe you should take a look at custom seed cleaning.
FARM SHOW has tracked down several firms who've had a year or more experience going farm to farm with portable seed cleaning rigs. For farmer-customers, a job that used to take a day or two and several trips to town is reduced to a phone call for making an appointment. The custom rig comes out and does the job with-out even needing your help. You just show them where the grain bin is and give them your cleaning instructions.
South Dakota
"We've really been busy and plan to have a third truck in service later this spring to keep up with growing farmer demand," reports Mark Adams, manager of the South Dakota Seed Cleaning Service, headquartered in Sioux Falls.
In addition to cleaning, the firm also offers custom seed bagging, treating and sizing. "Seed sizing is catching on fast with soybean growers," Mark points out. "We not only clean the seed a soybean farmer plans to plant, but are able to size it so the entire lot is of one uniform size or grade. This allows him to get uniform spacing of the seeds when he plants and assures getting the desired plant population."
Mark, together with his father Gerald who launched and owns the business, will be running three custom rigs in South Dakota from Dec. to June, and in Oklahoma from June to early fall to custom clean winter wheat on farms. Their largest machine will clean and size soybeans at the rate of 250 bu./hr. (180 bu. if the seed is being bagged). It's equipped with a four-screen Clipper mill, mounted on a 27 ft. gooseneck trailer, and pulled farm to farm with a pickup.
"We designed and equipped the units ourselves. A key feature is that all augers are brush type to minimize seed damage," says Mark.
The going rate for custom cleaning is 1ó per lb. for soybeans and oats, and 50ó per bu. for wheat.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, South Dakota Seed Cleaning Service, 401 Glendale, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 57104.
Business is booming for Mobile Seed Cleaning Service Limited, headquartered at Kleinburg, Ont. Just entering its second full season, the firm operates two large custom rigs that custom clean both for farmers and smaller country elevators.
"Our rates are about the same as a farmer would pay to have his seed cleaned in town ù if indeed the service is even available locally. The big advantage is that we do the job for him without any hassle on his part," notes Ian Kennedy, co-owner.
Capacity of the portable rigs is right at 350 bu. of wheat per hr. They meet or exceed government certification standards and can be programmed to give the farmer-customer exactly what he wants in terms of cleaning, debearding, scalping, treating and germination testing.
The self-contained mobile units are mounted on semi-trailers, have their own power plants and are equipped with vacuum systems for moving grain out of the farmer's bin and into the cleaner.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mobile Seed Cleaning Ltd., P.O. Box 309, Kleinburg, Ont. L0J IC0.
Kansas farmer Gordon Morrison, of Concordia, has been growing certified seed wheat for seven years and always had a "hassle" hauling his 3,000 to 4,000 bushels into the elevator and back out to the farm. To solve the problem, he designed and built a monster portable machine that earns its keep by doing custom cleaning for area farmers. "We're thinking about taking it to Oklahoma this summer to do custom cleaning on farms and at country elevators," Morrison told FARM SHOW.
He hired Charles Korte and Kevin Reding to help build the portable rig which handles up to 500 bu. of wheat per hour. The cleaner itself is a used Clipper that stands 11 ft. tall, 14 ft. long, 6 ft. wide and weighs 5,000 lbs. The cleaner, two elevator legs that stand 25 and 30 ft. tall, and all other components are mounted on a 34 ft. gooseneck trailer.
"We plan to go farm to farm to clean large seed lots for registered and certified growers," says Morrison. For More information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Morrison's Seed Cleaning Service, c/o Gordon Morrison. 323 West 16th St. Concordia, Kan. 66901 (ph. 913 243 3833).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #2