Eliminator Replaces Battery On Stationary Engines
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If you're tired of the hassles of maintaining batteries on irrigation and other stationary engines, you'll want to take a look at the new "Battery Eliminator" - a small, electronic device that lets you start and run an engine without a battery in place.
Only slightly larger than a deck of cards, the Eliminator installs on an engine the same way a battery does and acts like a fully-charged battery while the engine is running. Once installed, all you do is pull up to the engine with a truck or tractor, and run jumper-type cables between a special connector installed on the vehicle and the Battery Eliminator, start the engine, disconnect the cable, and drive away.
The Eliminator works on all 12 or 24-volt engines, handling fluctuations in voltage caused by all types of various engine features. Once the engine's running, it "fools" the engine into thinking a fully-charged battery is attached.
If you have an engine in a remote location that's difficult to reach with a truck, you can carry a free-standing battery on an ATV and fit it with a pigtail connector that'll hookup to the Eliminator.
Sells for $125 plus $225 for the truck start-up kit.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Free Spirit Enterprises, Inc., 1537 N.E. 39th., Topeka, Kan. 66617 (ph 800 345-6513).
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Eliminator Replaces Battery On Stationary Engines ENGINES Engines 18-4-24 If you're tired of the hassles of maintaining batteries on irrigation and other stationary engines, you'll want to take a look at the new "Battery Eliminator" - a small, electronic device that lets you start and run an engine without a battery in place.
Only slightly larger than a deck of cards, the Eliminator installs on an engine the same way a battery does and acts like a fully-charged battery while the engine is running. Once installed, all you do is pull up to the engine with a truck or tractor, and run jumper-type cables between a special connector installed on the vehicle and the Battery Eliminator, start the engine, disconnect the cable, and drive away.
The Eliminator works on all 12 or 24-volt engines, handling fluctuations in voltage caused by all types of various engine features. Once the engine's running, it "fools" the engine into thinking a fully-charged battery is attached.
If you have an engine in a remote location that's difficult to reach with a truck, you can carry a free-standing battery on an ATV and fit it with a pigtail connector that'll hookup to the Eliminator.
Sells for $125 plus $225 for the truck start-up kit.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Free Spirit Enterprises, Inc., 1537 N.E. 39th., Topeka, Kan. 66617 (ph 800 345-6513).
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