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Tractor-Mounted Tree Planter
"After I signed up with the CRP tree planting program, I decided to build a tree planter to plant my own seedlings," says William Craig, Akron, Ind., who built a 3-pt. mounted tree planter using parts from an old Deere wheelless subsoiler, an anhydrous fertilizer applicator, and junk steel he found around the farm.
The subsoiler mounts right behind the tractor. He cut off the original shank and replaced it with a new slotted foot that he made out of scrap metal and hard-surfaced it. The subsoiler can be adjusted so the foot can be set to work at any depth. A cutting coulter mounts ahead of the planting foot.
The back half of the tree planter hinges up and down. He mounted two cultivator gauge wheels on back at a V angle. These press and close the slit trench after seedlings are planted, eliminating air pockets around seedling roots and forming a slight ridge along the row. An old implement seat mounts directly above the closing wheels so the weight of the person riding maintains a constant pressure on the closing wheels. The back half of the planter was hinged so the constant pressure could be maintained on the wheels even when planting on uneven terrain.
Steel boxes along either side of the operator seat hold a total of 250 tree seedlings. "With the help of a tractor driver and another person to keep a steady supply of seedlings on site, I can plant an average of 425 trees per hour. To date, my crew and I have planted 19,600 new trees. It turned out to be a fun and profit-able project."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, William P. Craig, 746 N 1000 E, Akron, Ind. 46910 (ph 219 893-7019).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3