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Open Pollinated Seed Corn
After 5 years research and development, Morris Seed Farms is now offering an open pollinated seed corn for $30 per bushel. Our open pollinated seed corn is higher in protein, amino acids and sugar than regular hybrids. It gives livestock farmers higher feed value per bushel with a significant savings in seed cost. Open pollinated seed corn must be planted at low populations - 10,000 to 13,000 ppa. That insures good standability, large ears, and drouth resistance, with a seed cost of only about $5 per acre.
FARM SHOW readers can reach me evenings at 314 875-8553 or write. (John H. Morris, Morris Seed Farms, Rt. 2, Box 57A, Clark, Mo. 65243)

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2