1994 - Volume #18, Issue #6, Page #06
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Auto Front End On Farmall Tractor
"It was in perfect shape except that the narrow front end was worn badly. I couldn't find an affordable factoryn built wide front end for it and I also wanted power steering. So I installed the front axle, power steering pump and gearbox from a 1972 Pontiac Catalina car. I removed the tractor's original steering wheel and mounted a smaller steering wheel with a spinner knob for knee clearance on the left side because my knees were always bumping it."
Breitenbucher mounted the axle subframe under the tractor using brackets that bolt to the frame of the tractor and run across the back of the front axle. He cut the tractor's steering rod off in front of the radiator and welded a short length of steel pipe between the rod and subframe to connect them together. He used a U -joint to change the angle of the steering rod about half way back to the new steering wheel.
He welded two pieces of angle iron onto the left side of the tractor to hold the car's power steering pump, which is belt-driven off the fan pulley.
"It has the car spindles, springs, and shocks so it rides smoothly and steers great," says Breitenbucher. "I saved the tractor's original wheels, front axle, and other parts so that I can mount them back on if I ever want. I removed the tractor's original steering wheel because it was in the way. I'm 6 ft. 2 in. tall and was bumping it with my knee whenever I used the clutch. I have a friend who works at a front end alignment shop and was able to use their truck toe-in pointer gauge to perfectly align the subframe. I welded a 3-in. dia. steel pipe across the front of the subframe so that if ever get stuck I can pull the tractor out."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Noel Breitenbucher, 605 E. 7th St., Trenton, Mo. 64683 (ph 816 359-2345).
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