1984 - Volume #8, Issue #2, Page #34
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Deere Header Wheels
Wet conditions can cause problems for the automatic header functioning of Deere bean row heads, according to Couser Machine and Supply, Nevada, Iowa, manufacturer of a new wheel attachment for solving the problem.Doug Couser explains that, in wet areas, steel skids often encounter problems with mud and residue buildup. By replacing the skids with wheels you maintain the automatic header height control in adverse conditions since the wheels will roll through the mud.
Couser manufactures a one piece, offset, adjustable wheel bracket that bolts in place of the skid shoes. You attach two brackets per row and then attach 4 by 12 in. cultivator gauge wheels. No changes are made on the header height control.
Couser explains that "there are other brackets on the market but they're in two sections and tend to work loose. Plus, they don't have the dog leg to bypass the springs where the bracket attaches."
Brackets sell for $6. New wheels sell for $22.50, plus freight.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Couser Machine and Supply, Rt. 2, Nevada, Iowa 50201 (ph 515 382-5560, or 4897).
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