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Hydraulic Cylinder Powered By Tap Water
"I helped my son design a double-acting hydraulic cylinder powered by ordinary tap water fora school project and thought other FARM SHOW readers might be interested in how we did it. Makes a great demonstration project for school groups interested in learning more about hydraulics," says Vincent Si Pierre, Nepean, Ontario.
St. Pierre says he and his son simply bought off-the-shelf plumbing parts at a local hardware store to make the 3-in. dia. water-powered cylinder, the main body of which is made out of PVC pipe.
"It will lift over 200lbs. with just 40 psi of water pressure. You just hook up hose fittings to the inlets at either side of the cylinder. We use sprinkler valves to control the flow of water to the cylinder," says St Pierre. "There's nothing like it on the market but I can think of many applications where such a cylinder might be used. Our main purpose in making it, however, was as a demonstration. It's a clean, safe way to teach kids hydraulics.
SL Pierre would be willing to make plans available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vincent St. Pierre, Automated Drafting and Design, Unit 108 42 Antares Dr., Nepean, Ontario K2E 7Y4 Canada (ph 613 226-2351).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1