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New Round Bale Tarp
We have a new round bale tarp designed to cover a single row of bales. It's made of UV resistant fabric with a 5 to 7 year expected life, and is held in place by 16-in. long tarp pins. We make the tarp in 60-ft. lengths in 8, 9 or 10-ft. widths. They sell for $96.25, $108.25 and $120.28, respectively. We recommend 26 hold-down pins per tarp, which sell for $20.28. You can put the tarp over a single row of bales lying on the ground, or set up a double pile - with the lower row of bales standing on end and a row on top on their sides, and just cover the top row. Custom sizes also available. (Inland Tarp & cover, Inc., Box 193, 15 N. 3rd St., Almira, Wash. 99103 (ph 800 346-7744 or 509 639-2355; fax 509 639-2354)

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2