1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2, Page #07
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Low-Cost, Simple Guidance System
"It's like putting your tractors on auto pi-lot," says Blake of Goodlands, Manitoba. "We've used this method for three years on about 1,200 acres a year. It greatly reduces operator fatigue and slightly increases speed at which you can cultivate."
The system consists of two C-tines off a 12-row Wil-Rich cultivator that mount on a 65-in. long 4-in. sq. toolbar that mounts across the tongue of their Deere 7200 MaxEmerge planter. The tines are positioned 4 ft. behind the tractor's hitch so they clear the rear tires on turns and the planter's front tires in transport. The tines are spaced on 60-in. centers, exactly the same as the rear tires on the Case-IH 7110 they use to pull the planter.
The tines run about 4 in. deep, leaving a track 6 in. wide and 3 in. deep immediately after planting. While the track erodes some-what in the weeks between planting and cultivating, there's still plenty of it left to guide the Nestibos' Deere 4430 and Case-IH 7110 for cultivating.
"The key is, we put single-ribbed, narrow tires on front of the 4430 and 7110 to keep them in the track," Nestibo explains. "It works like a charm."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Blake Nestibo, P.O. Box 9, Goodlands, Manitoba, Canada R0M 0R0 (ph 204 658-3450).
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