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Add-On Catwalk For Deere Tractors
"I used steel grating to make 2-ft. long, 13-in. wide catwalks for my Deere 4755 and 4640 2-WD tractors. Makes it a lot easier to fuel up," says Gerald Oloske, Edmonton, Alberta.
Oloske welded a steel frame onto the grating which bolts to the side of the tractor.
"These tractors have long wheelbases, making it hard to reach the fuel tank from the cab," says Oloske. "In the past I had to put one foot on the battery case and the other on the front axle which was a long stretch. Now I can put one foot on the cat-walk and the other on the tractor's front axle. The grating works better than a steel plate because dirt and water drop through."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerald Oloske, 10415 120th Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5G 0S5 (ph 403 479-4868).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1