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Flotation Applicator Injects Liquid Manurt,Anhudrous,N-Serve
A wooden post dragged behind the injector knives on his 230-hp Big A flotation applicator allows Richard Ward, Crawfordsville, Ind., to seal a mixture of liquid hog manure, anhydrous ammonia, and N-Serve into the soil.
"This machine eliminates a trip and breaks up soil hardpan at the same time," says Ward.
The Big A's four shanks are spaced 24 in. apart. The wooden post chains the back of the two outside shanks. A vacuum pump sucks the manure-and-anhydrous mixture out of an 8,000-gal. trailer-mounted tank parked at the edge of the field into the Big A's 2,100-gal. tank.
Ward handles 2 1/2 million gal. of hog manure every year. "The hog manure contains about 45 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 gal. of manure. I add enough anhydrous to bring the nigrogen content up to about 65 lbs. I apply about 3,200 gallons of manure per acre which, with the anhydrous mixed in, comes out to about 170 tbs. actual nitrogen per acre. N-Serve is applied at about one quart per acre. The spring-loaded shanks are mounted on an 8-in. sq. steel toolbar and the knives inject the manure and anhydrous 12 to 14 in. deep. Each shank pivots up to 30 degrees from side to side when turning at the end of the field."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Ward, Rt. 6, Box 71, Crawfordsville, Ind. 47933 (ph 317 794-4321).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3