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No Hydraulics Bale Unroller
"I came up with this bale unroller for the 3-pt. on an older model Ferguson tractor without external hydraulics," says Ray Faulkner, Bastian, Va.
The unroller has two arms that clamp onto the side of a round bale. The key feature is the hand-cranked 24-in. "ratchet binder" between the bale unroller arms that's used to clamp them down on the bale. Eye bolts on either end of the binder are cranked in or out by a ratchet lever at center that the operator cranks by hand.
The main cross bar on the bale handler is a6-in. I-beam. Two pieces of 2 by 6-in. channel iron make up the arms. Two 1-in. dia. bolts are used as hinges. Bale unroller discs were made from trailing wheels off an old IHC side delivery rake. Faulkner welded 1 1/4-in. dia. pointed stub shafts to the hub caps on the wheels. The wheels turn freely so bales can be unrolled by pulling them along the ground.
"I've used this unroller for five years with no problems," says Faulkner. "Everything used to build it was scrap metal except for the ratchet binder."
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Ray Faulkner, Rt. 1, Box 1780, Bastian, Va.
24314 (ph 703 688-4470).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2