1987 - Volume #11, Issue #3, Page #27
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Mobile Field Toilet
"We first built one five years ago for our field workers. Then Oregon passed a field sanitation law and neighbors started asking if we could build one for them," says Paul Serres, Woodburn, Ore., whose field sanitation wagon complies with Oregon's law as well as a recently passed Federal law requiring sanitation facilities close by field workers at all times.The mobile unit contains two sanitary toilets, a large stainless steel sink, towel and soap dispensers, waste basket, and a 300 gal. stainless steel fresh water tank. Everything's mounted on a two-wheel trailer chassis equipped with over-the-road lights and electric brakes. The entire rig is 16 ft. long and 8 ft. wide. Weighs 4,400 lbs. with a full load of fresh water.
"The law says you've got to make facilities available anytime you've got more than 15 workers in the field, and that the facilities can not be more than 3 min. away from the workers at any time. This unit complies with both Oregon law and the new Federal law," Serres told FARM SHOW.
Sells for $4,300. A single toilet unit is also available for $3,100. It's narrow enough to pull down the row directly to the workers.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Paul Serres, Black Acre Hop Farms Inc., 11283 Serres Lane N.E., Woodburn, Ore. 97071 (ph 503 981-6098).

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