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Add-On Seed Tender
"It stops seed from bouncing out of the fur-row," says Paul Schaffert, Schaffert Mfg., Indianola, Neb., about his new "seed ten-der" attachment for row crop planters.
It consists of a 12-in. long curved poly "paddle" that fastens onto the back of the seed tube with two nylon tie straps. As seed comes out of the tube, it's "trapped" in the bottom of the trench by the plastic strip which has a concave depression in the center of it.
"It doesn't put any pressure on the seed so there's no scuffing or scratching of the seed coating," says Schaffert. "Some seed firmers on the market push the seed down too far, resulting in uneven emergence. They also tend to widen out the bottom of the furrow.
"The paddle is a little narrower than the seed trench so it doesn't disturb the sidewall or drag seeds. It also doesn't make a flat bottom trench or create air pockets. It works well when used with our furrow seed closer that mounts ahead of the planter's press wheels. Farmers who tested it last spring told us they were able to plant faster with-out worrying about seed bounce."
Fits Deere, Kinze, Yetter, and White planters.
Sells for about $20 per row.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Schaffert Mfg. Co., Inc., Rt. 1, Box 157, Indianola, Neb. 69034 (ph 800 382-2607).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #4