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Look: Outside Windows Washed From The Inside
If you're tired of all the acrobatics and ladder climbing connected with washing outside windows from the outside, you'll appreciate the new Magna Clean. It lets you wash outside windows safely and conveniently from the inside.
It's all done with a magnetized hand unit on which you place a cleaning tissue dampened with your favorite cleaning solution. This is inside. You open the window and affix a steel plate, and damp tissue, directly opposite the inside unit. The magnetized inside unit holds the outside unit firmly against the outside glass. One motion cleans both sides of the window at the same time. A safety line makes the outside unit easy to retrieve when you've finished washing the window.
Magna Clean comes in a small unit for $21.95, a larger unit for $24.95, and a thermopane unit (with a stronger magnet) for $29.95.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Magna Products Co., P.O. Box 905, Green Bay, Wis. 54305 (ph 414 336-2755).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #2