Beefed Up Chisel Plow Points
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After he got tired of the expense and down time required to replace worn-out points on his 8-shank Mohawk chisel plow, Kevin Wuebkers found a way to extend the life of plow points by welding strips of 3/8-in. dia. rebar to both sides of the 2-in. wide points. He also welded short lengths of rebar onto the face of the points to keep the bolt heads from wearing out.
"It saves me a lot of money," says Wuebkers, of Freeport, Minn.. "I had been spending $10 apiece to replace worn-out points, but I haven't had to replace any since I welded rebar onto them over a year ago. The problem was that the sides of the points would wear off, making them less effective and causing the sides of the shanks they were mounted on to wear down also. I also had trouble losing points because the bolt heads wore off."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kevin Wuebkers, 44816 243rd Ave., Freeport, Minn. 56331 (ph 612 573-2585).
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Beefed Up Chisel Plow Points TILLAGE EUIPMENT Chisel Plows (9) 18-1-38 After he got tired of the expense and down time required to replace worn-out points on his 8-shank Mohawk chisel plow, Kevin Wuebkers found a way to extend the life of plow points by welding strips of 3/8-in. dia. rebar to both sides of the 2-in. wide points. He also welded short lengths of rebar onto the face of the points to keep the bolt heads from wearing out.
"It saves me a lot of money," says Wuebkers, of Freeport, Minn.. "I had been spending $10 apiece to replace worn-out points, but I haven't had to replace any since I welded rebar onto them over a year ago. The problem was that the sides of the points would wear off, making them less effective and causing the sides of the shanks they were mounted on to wear down also. I also had trouble losing points because the bolt heads wore off."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kevin Wuebkers, 44816 243rd Ave., Freeport, Minn. 56331 (ph 612 573-2585).
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