1988 - Volume #12, Issue #5, Page #26
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New Natural Air Drying System
A new "natural air" grain drying system for hopper bottom bins, featuring unique side-wall ducts for exhaust air, dries grain 30% faster than natural air drying in bins with a perforated floor, according to Univision Industries Ltd., Biggar, Saskatchewan."Other companies make hopper bottom bins with central air flow injectors, but they exhaust air up through the top of the bin, rather than through bin sidewalls, as we do," says Ken Esler, president. "We've found that air passes horizontally through grain with 30% less resistance than it does vertically. That's because grain in a bin lays somewhat like cordwood, hindering up-ward air flow. It's a special problem in a hopper bottom bin, which is taller and narrower than a conventional bin. Another benefit of the sidewall ducting system is that air passes only a short distance before leaving the bin. For example, in our 16-ft. dia. bin, air passes through only 61/2 ft. of grain. This further increases drying efficiency. The result is that farmers need fewer hopper bins to dry their grain before they move it to storage bins."
Air flows up the central injector, then travels horizontally through grain to a series of horizontal "exhaust rings", spaced 5 ft. apart along the inside of the bin. The "exhaust rings" are formed by 4 112-in. wide metal deflectors set at a 45? angle. Air follows the open space underneath the "exhaust rings" and enters 4 by 8-in. vertical exhaust tubes through evenly spaced exit ports. "As air passes through the grain, it becomes moist and heavy, drops down through the exhaust tubes and exits just behind each bin leg," explains Esler. "Exhaust air not collected by the horizontal exhaust rings rises vertically and is exhausted through the roof vent."
According to Esler, the new natural air drying bin can also be used to cool and dry hot wet corn coming out of a dryer. And, because the bin is epoxy coated, it can also be used for fertilizer storage
The aeration system, which includes central air flow injector and ducting and venting, sells for $1,250 installed.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Univision Industries Ltd., P.O. Box 879, Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada S00K 0M0 (ph 800 667-3065).
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