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Previewing The Truck Of Tomorrow
It's the most striking change in truck design in 40 years. It's the new "Cab-Under" truck.
This completely new kind of truck from the Strick Corp., Fort Washington, Pa., has the entire transportation industry talking. The Cab-Under utilizes maximum space for the load. Compared to a conventional truck, it offers an extra 600 cu. ft. of cargo space.
The truck box projects forward over the cab to the full legal limit of length. The driver sits in the lowslung cab in a "sports car" driving position.
A driver has to get used to the low position, but the company maintains that the Cab-Under provides safety to the driver and good visibility ahead and to the sides. For rain and snow conditions, when visibility is an added problem, the Cab-Under has a windshield wiper system that clears almost 100 percent of the glass.
The Cab-Under has the standard specifications of most trucks on the road today. The prototype is powered by a Cummins diesel engine, has a Fuller transmission and Spicer clutch, Rockwell suspension system, air brakes and anti-skid system. It can be built as a tractor and semi-trailer or truck and full trailer model. With the container removed, the engine is easy to work on.
The Cab-Under, according to the Strick Corporation, meets all the safety standards of the U.S. Department of Transportation. A small fleet of Cab-Under trucks has been contracted for lease by Red Ball Motor Freight of Dallas, Texas, but this use had not received approval by the teamster union as this issue went to press.
Price tag on the Cab-Under will be about 10% higher than on the conventional truck, but should be more than offset by the 15% greater payload, the manufacturer points out.
The Cab-Under can be loaded and unloaded from front and rear, and it lends itself to car carriers and bulky' loads. In many instances, a driver will save time because he does not have to back up and maneuver in tight loading and unloading areas, the manufacturer points out.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Burnikel, Program Director; Strick Corporation; 260 New York Drive; Fort Washington, PA 19034 (ph 215 628-8000).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #4