1984 - Volume #8, Issue #2, Page #16
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Bush Hog Introduces Pto-Powered Disc
A year ago Vol. 7, No. 3, FARM SHOW reported on the world's first powered disc, a two ganged machine made in England. Bush Hog's machine, powered off the tractor's 540 rpm pto, features a single gang which is angled and turns 3 to 5 times faster than the tractor tires so you get a tilling action which is similar to that of a moldboard plow.
A spokesman for the Selma, Ala., based company says that the disc requires about one-third of the tractor horsepower required by equal size plow and costs about half as much.
It features 25 in. dia. discs that till the soil down to 10 in. deep. The discs are chain driven via a gearbox powered off the pto.
The 3-pt. mounted, 7-ft. power disc ù equal to a 4 bottom plow ù will sell for under $4,000.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bush Hog, P.O. Box 1039, Selma, Alabama 36701 (ph 205 872-6261).
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