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3-Pt Bale Spike Doubles As Forklift
New 3-pt. round bale mover is equipped with hydraulic-controlled self-leveling parallel linkage which allows it to double as a forklift for hauling pallets.
The "Hydra-Stinger" has two cylinders that raise or lower the load and a tilt cylinder that levels it. The lift arm can be fitted with either one spike for bales or two forks for pallets. Two small spikes attach to the top of the frame for moving bales.
"It works better than a front-end loader because you have a better view and you can keep the load level as you raise it," says Jay Wik, marketing manager. "Maximum weight capacity is 4,000 lbs., and maximum lift height is 10 ft. which isn't quite high enough for unloading bulk seed bags into gravity wagons. However, we plan to offer an extension for the frame that will raise the lift height."
Telescoping storage stands make hook-up easy and can also be used as stabilizing legs when lifting big loads.
Sells for $2,675.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Crary Co., 237 NW 12th St., Box 849, West Fargo, N. Dak. 58078 (ph 701 282-5520).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2