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Lowest-Disturbance Manure Injector On The Market
"It's far and away the lowest disturbance injector on the market, removing less than 5% of cover, even in soybean stubble," says Randy McMahon about a new-style manure injection system unveiled by Balzer Inc. at the recent Iowa Pork Congress.
"We tested it over a wide range of field conditions last fall, applying nearly 500,000 gallons of liquid manure at rates ranging from 3,000 to 6,500 gpa, and it kept it buried with hardly any soil disturbance at all," McMahon says.
The system makes use of several European design concepts. One is the use of small 2 in. dia. hoses fitted with thin injectors that place manure in the trench. A big 27 in. dia. rolling disk mounted at a slight angle opens a narrow 2-in. trench in the soil. The disk, which runs just ahead of a gauge wheel, is fited with a scraper on one side that directs manure into the trench as it keeps the disk clean.
Two cylinders apply downpressure ranging from 300 to 1,500 psi, allowing injection from 4 to 12 in. deep.
Mounted on a 7-in. sq. toolbar, the system is designed for use with Balzer's Magnum series tanks.
It's available in 4, 6 and 8-row configurations. A 6-row unit sells for $9,250. Contact: FARM SHOW, Balzer Inc., Co. Rd. 27, Box 458, Mountain Lake, Minn. 56159 (ph 800 795-8551 or 507 427-3133; fax 3640).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2