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Build Your Own Wood Splitter
Detailed do-it-yourself plans for building your own "Ultimate Wood Splitter" are available from Steve Kimmel, Bluffton, Ohio, designer.
"Biggest advantage of this splitter is that it costs much less than comparable size commercial splitters, partly because you make it yourself and because it uses the power of the tractor engine rather than having its own engine as most splitters do.
Cost of the plans are $15.95. Kimmel stocks hydraulic cylinders (12.6 tons of thrust) for do-it-yourselfers but notes that any 4 by 24 in. cylinder can be used. The splitter can be mounted onto a fast hitch or 3-pt hookup, and the tractor must have 2-way hydraulics with 2,000-lb. capacity, which all newer tractors have.
The splitter uses a 6 1/2 by 8 in.steel I-beam, which you can purchase locally. Total cost to build the splitter, including $189 for the hydraulic cylinder Kimmel sells, is right at $500.
An advantage of the design is that the long table and wedge allow the split wood to stay on the splitter table after it split, rather than dropping to the ground. Also, the splitter can be raised and lowered, to as low as about 8 in. off the ground and up as high 3 ft., depending on the tractor.
Kimmel recommends that the table be made out of yellow pine or other strong wood. Pieces of wood up to 24 in. long can be split, as well as about any diameter that can be lifted, depending on the tons thrusted of the hydraulic cylinder used.
A good way to use the Ultimate Wood Splitter, says Kimmel, is to hook a trailer on behind the tractor and splitter, go to the woods, cut and split a trailer-full, throwing into the trailer direct from the splitter table. Then, he says, you can return to headquarters with your chain saw and other tools carried on the splitter table.
He says the $15.95 set of plans also can be used to help adapt an existing wood splitter to tractor-mount.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ultimate Wood Splitter plans, 2340 Township Road 27, Bluffton, Ohio 45817 (ph 419 358-2230).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #5