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Hydra-Tilt Wagon Unloader
You'll like the help you get from Hydra-Tilt, a wagon-length ramp that'll lift a 3 1/2 ton load up to 16 in. off the ground to dump even the stickiest loads of high moisture grain or other material.
"It puts an end to pounding on wagon sides, or climbing inside to move stuck grain. It's completely portable and runs off tractor hydraulics at 2200 psi, or a portable power unit," says Peter Goertz, of Midwest Tool Co., Strathroy, Ontario, manufacturer of the Hydra-Tilt.
Interest has been high for the new unloader, says Goertz, particularly from farmers handling high moisture corn. "When you get above 28% moisture, the 26? slope of most gravity-unload wagons isn't enough to unload the whole load of grain.
The Hydra-Tilt lifts one side of the wagon 16 in., changing a 26? slope to 38?, which is enough to dump virtually any load," says Goertz.
Why not just build a 16-in. high wooden ramp and drive the wagon up on that?
"First of all, you might do damage to the wagon frame," Goertz told FARM SHOW. "Secondly, if you drive a full wagon up that high, it might roll over. Our procedure is to drive the wagon onto the 5 in. high retracted Hydra-Tilt and dump as much grain out as will flow at that angle. We don't begin raising the platform until most of the grain left inside is on the upper side, lessening the risk of tipping the wagon over."
The ramp lifts with just one hydraulic cylinder. The standard model comes with a 2% in. cylinder that'll lift a maximum of 2 1/2 tons. The ramp is 14 1/2 ft. long. When it raises, it moves forward 1 3/4 in. and then back the same distance ù not enough, Goertz says, to put undue stress on the wagon frame.
The Hydra-Tilt does not have to be anchored in place, although Goertz says some farmers are mounting it in concrete. Others use an optional 3-pt. lifting frame to haul it to the field for dumping bulk fertilizer. One farmer-customer says he moves the Hydra-Tilt into his shop in the winter to service cars, pickups and trucks.
The Hydra-Tilt sells for $1,675 (Canadian). An optional 3 1/2 in. hydraulic cylinder that lifts up to 4 1/2 tons is also available.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Goertz Farm Systems, Ltd., Ankona, Ontario Canada NOM 1BO (ph 519 828-3667, or 245-4560).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #1