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Landscape Ball Carts Used To Transport Large Trees From Truck To Planting Sites
Landscape ball carts are used to transport large trees from truck to planting sites through narrow gates and passage ways where large vehicles can't go. I invented this powered ball cart that can move up to 1,000 lb. trees easily, hauling them up steep grades and through 36-in. gates to planting sites. It's safer and easier to use and there's less chance of workers getting hurt or suffering a hernia. It's powered by a 7 hp. motor which belt-drives a 3-speed transaxle connected to rear wheels. It has a belt tightener hand clutch, brake and hand throttle. The tree basket tilts up to pick up a tree or put it in place. The cart has large flotation tires so it won't make deep ruts in the lawn even when the soil is wet and soft. I have built two models and would like to find a manufacturer. (Raymond Fager, 622 So. Holland-Sylvania Road, Toledo, Ohio 43615)

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #2