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Water Gathering System
I built a water-gathering system that might be unique in the world. I got the idea when I was considering building a cattle-watering pond on some land that was always moist even in the dry part of summer. I decided to build a collector tank big enough to gather moisture from the wet surface areas and let cattle drink it from the tank I've now built several ground water collectors, making each one a little different depending on the amount of water available. We simply doze out a trench through a wet, seepy area and lay a down sloping length of 4-in. drain tile, covering it with coarse gravel. A 1-in. dia. pipe runs up above ground from the downward end of the tile and the tank is set up around it. Water collects in the gravel, flows enters the tile, and flows up into the tank with enough flow so that it never freezes. The tanks are made from grain bin rings. Each holds about 7,000 gal. so you don't have to have a large flow of water to keep it full. The bottom of each tank is concreted. Cost for each setup is $500 to $1,500, depending on the amount of water available. (Paul Halsey, Rt. A Box 34, Fortuna, Mo. 65034)

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #5