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Self Propelled Hay Loader
I built this self-propelled hay loader in 1959 because I only had one tractor at the time for both fieldwork and feeding cattle. It was hard to get all the work done in the spring. The machine has a 1937 truck frame, a 1946 truck floating rear end, a 1946 truck trans-mission, a 1948 Chevrolet truck engine, a Case combine steering assembly, and an IH tractor radiator. I cut out the center of the truck wheels and welded them to tractor rims. I run a hydraulic pump directly off the crankshaft pulley using a self-centering unit off a 1938 Plymouth driveshaft. This leads propelled wagon. I'm interested in building these units for sale.
Wayne C. North
Rt. 2
Pawne City, Neb. 68420

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6