1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3, Page #38
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Old Tire Pig Feeder
"There's no waste. Works great with ground feed," says Gene Zimmerman, Abbotsford, Wis.
He lays a 14-in. bias ply tire and rim flat on the ground, with the dish side of the rim downward. Then he cuts feed flap openings in the face of the tire that pigs can lift with their noses. The flaps are about 5 in. wide. He cuts horizontally at the center line of the tire, and then upward on either side of the 5-in. cut all the way back to the tire bead. He leaves about a 2-in. gap between flaps so there are 8 or 9 flaps in all.
Then he bolted a 15-gal. plastic soap barrel and in the rim to the top of the rim and used a 4-in. angle grinder to cut three holes in the bottom of the barrel to let feed drop down into the tire.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gene Zimmerman, Box 83, Abbotsford, Wis. 54405.
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