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Rebuilt Dairy Barn
Here's how Peter Sawatsky converted an old barn to have more overhead clearance so it can be used for machinery or grain storage.
He set pole barn type poles in the ground at an angle inside the barn with a cross bar at the top. Poles were spaced at 10 to 12 ft. intervals down the length of the barn. Then he ran 2 by 6's from the poles to the walls, nailing them in place at even intervals up the sides.
Once the poles were secured in place, Sawatsky removed the hay loft and raised the height of the doors. "Gives you an obstruction-free barn that makes a great shop or flat storage area," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Peter Sawatsky, Killarney, Manitoba, Canada. (Grainews)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4