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Flat Tires
Kenneth Winans sells flat tires. And he makes money doing so.
The catch is that these tires are not only flat but they're sliced into ¢ to 1-in. wide strips and weaved together to form long-lasting rubber mats. Kenneth, Binghamton, N.Y., says the mats make great doormats, truckbed liners, log carriers and anti-skid pads which provide traction for stuck vehicles. He plans on making wider strips for use as rubber fencing for livestock.
Kenneth, and his wife Gladys, travel throughout the country stopping at rural towns and fairs, to recycle old car and truck tires. Kenneth says he gets the tires free - service stations are happy to get rid of them.
The process for making the mats is simple. Kenneth first slices the car tires with the special machine that he invented. The machine's circular cutting blade slices the tire in just two minutes as the tire spins in the holder. Kenneth says a 15 in. tire produces a 300-400 ft. continuous rubber strip. He works with all types of used car-truck tires except steel belted radials.
After slicing, Gladys weaves the strips together according to their intended use. For foot mats and truck liners, she binds the strips together with stainless steel rod and plastic tubing spacers. For truck and trailer mats, she binds the strips solidly together with the rod to make a solid mat.
Kenneth sells 11 by 18 in. mats for $8, 20 by 20 in. mats for $10 and 2 by 3 ft. mats for $14. He also sells a complete kit, which includes the tire-slicing machine, for $3,900.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kenneth Winans, Box 1815, Binghamton, N.Y. 13902 (ph 607 722-0054 or 724-0220).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #5